
Travel Insurance


In order to provide protection and assistance to all kinds of travelers, groups and organizations we work together with the European Travel Insurance company ERV.

Europäische Reiseversicherung AG (ERV) is a European operating company with headquarters in Munich, which is a subsidiary of the ERGO Insurance Group headquartered in Düsseldorf. In terms of tourism, ERV cooperates with tour operators such as TUI, REWE Touristik, Deutsche Bahn, airberlin, or Lufthansa and markets travel protection products.ERV is a market leader in its home market of Germany.

The focus of the ERV is on travel insurance products for private and business travellers.

ERV-Gästeversicherung: mehr Sicherheit für Sie und Ihr Umfeld.

Schutz für Ihre Gäste aus dem Ausland bei Krankheit und Unfall. Gültig für Antrag auf Schengen-Visum.





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